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Cameo Peacock (Cameo Peafowl) | Everything There Is To Know

The first thing that comes to mind when we think of peacocks is a lovely bird with vivid (bright green and blue) feathers and the amazing view they provide when they spread their feathers around. But there is a breed known as the Cameo Peafowl that is different from others because of its color. The color of these peafowls is creamy and chocolaty brown. Cameo Peacock may be different from the other breed. But the different colors of the peacock breed are also quite attractive and distinct in their own right.

I’m sure most of you aren’t familiar with this cameo peacock, whose color is rather dull from the others. I have gathered all sorts of information about this breed. And I am going to explain to you all the facts about this breed of the peacock. We will take a look at all the minor details about this Peacock bird. So what is the wait for let’s get started?

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Origin of Cameo Peacock

This peacock was a result of color mutation. It was discovered beside the mutation of the white peacock. This breed has been around the world for a long period it was first discovered by a zoologist breeder Oscar Mulloy in the 1960s. Later on, it was perfected by Waycott, Dennis Cook, and Cram.

Cameo Peacock Coloration:

The Cameo peacock color keeps changing throughout the season. At the start of the season, it has feathers and its color is dark brown. But when the molting season starts it losses some of its feathers and the sun bleaches it to a coffee milk-like light color. The color of the neck remains the same even during the molting season. The train of Cameo Peacock has dark colors as compared to its wings. The eye-like spot (ocelli) on the tail feathers has different shades but cannot change color as the angle changes.

Cameo Peahen Coloration

The females are quite different from the male Cameo Peacocks, they possess light-colored feathers. They show creamy brown color. The neck of the female Cameo Peacock is dark brown in color and the back and the breast have light brown colors.

Cameo Peachick Coloration

The chicks of cameo peafowl are almost the same as the chicks of the other breeds. But they are a little light in color and look creamy brown.

Diet of Cameo Peafowl

The diet of the cameo peafowl is quite adaptable. They are omnivores and as omnivores, they feed on a wide range of food items, including seeds, fruits, insects, small mammals, and reptiles.

Peafowls search for food on the ground and in trees in their natural habitat. They feed on a variety of seeds, including grasses, grains, and legumes, as well as a range of fruits and berries. In addition, they also consume insects, such as ants and grasshoppers, and small animals, including lizards and snakes.

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